Olympic Squat 4x10 @325#
Leg Press 4x10 @6 plates each side
BB Hip Thrust 3x12 @315#
Closegrip Bench 265x6, 240x8, 240x8, 240x6, 240x6
Incline Bench 4x6 @205# 
Pullups 4x12 @BW
DB Flies 3x12 @50#
DB Curls 3x12 @30#
Opposite Stance Pull 3x10 @390#
Box Deadlift 3x10 @315#
GHR 3x15 @BW
Leg Press 2x12 @6 plates each side
Olympic Squat 375x8, 365x8, 365x6, 365x6
Front Squat 3x6 @295#
GHR 3x12 @BW
3” Block Pulls for 405x11, 390x12
Widegrip Bench 4x10 @225#
Spoto Press 225x10, 225x2x8
DB Rows 4x12 @80#
Tricep Pushdowns 3x12 @100# (dedicated tri pushdown machine)
DB Front Raises 3x12 @30#

This week was the time to overreach and push the limits. Tuesday I fell short of 265x8 (shooting for a new 8RM) so I added some sets at the end to make up for it. Wednesday was very tough. I never pull sumo and my hip mobility is horrendous. The first set was mediocre, but the last two sets my form was terrible and I'm still feeling a little ache in my back because of it. I probably had more in the squats, but my back was tweaked a tiny bit from Wednesday so I was hesitant to be aggressive. Next week is the deload and hopefully I can get rid of the back pain so I don't have to break from training. 
