This week I finally moved into my next phase of training.  The first of two hypertrophy blocks.  It looked like this:

Olympic Squat 5x10@300# 
Front Squat 2x10@270#
GHR 3x10
Widegrip Bench 3x10@225#, 1x8@225#
Competition Bench 2x8@240#
DB Rows 4x10, Chest Supported 80#
DB Skullcrushers 3x10@45#
DB Upright Rows 3x10@45#
Deadlift 3x8@420#  
Box Deadlift 2x8@335#
GHR 3x10
Olympic Squat 3x10@325#
Leg Press 3x10@450#
BB Hip Thrusts 3x10@315#
3" Block Pulls 1x8@405#
Closegrip Bench 3x8@240# 
Incline Bench 1x8@205#, 2x6@205#
Pullups 4x10@bodyweight
DB Flies 3x10@50#
DB Curls 2x10@35#, 1x10@25#

This was a rough transition.  After the first squat day, my legs were done for about 5 days (thus the gap in training).  My last program start with 10x5 and it wasn't too bad so I was projecting the same here, but boy was I wrong.  Once I got over that initial soreness training was great.  The back held up great during my first deadlift session back from injury.
